telecommunications business


$250,000 x 4


Line of Credit

client background

A leading Australian telecommunications company that builds and operates telecommunications networks, and markets voice, mobile, internet access, and pay television. The company also manages its franchise stores.

client challenge

The business wanted a cash flow facility that would help them to purchase flagship cell phones while providing them with better trade terms with their debtors.

moneytech's solution

Four different Lines of Credit were quickly structured to service four different franchises in different locations. These facilities allowed the Group to better compete with other technology retailers during the launch of new flagship cell phones from different brands, such as iPhone and Samsung Galaxy's.

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food processor & wholesaler

*This information does not take into account your personal objectives, circumstances or needs. Consider its appropriateness to these factors before acting on it. Read the disclosure documents for your selected product or service before deciding whether to purchase them. ABN: 24611393554