*This information does not take into account your personal objectives, circumstances or needs. Consider its appropriateness to these factors before acting on it. Read the disclosure documents for your selected product or service before deciding whether to purchase them. ABN: 24611393554
Moneytech Finance Pty Ltd (ACN 112 110 906), Moneytech Finance 2 Pty Ltd (ACN 639 950 584) and Moneytech Services Pty Ltd (ACN 112 110 933) (collectively, Moneytech) do not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence to deal, make a market in and provide financial product advice in relation to foreign exchange contracts. This e-mail and all information included in this e-mail, whether as an attachment or otherwise (together, the Information), is provided strictly for information purposes only with regards to Moneytech’s foreign exchange referral partners. The Information prepared by Moneytech does not purport to provide you or any other person with any general or personal investment, legal or other advice. The Information does not constitute any offer, recommendation or solicitation to you or any person to enter into any foreign exchange transactions, hedging, trading or investment strategy with Moneytech’s foreign exchange providers.
Users of the Information should seek independent professional advice, including investment, legal and tax advice, amongst others (Professional Advice), on the use of the Information, whether in whole or in part, and the appropriateness of entering into a transaction, hedging, trading or investment strategy with any of Moneytech’s foreign exchange referral partners.
Moneytech does not accept any liability and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly (including special, incidental or consequential loss or damage) from the use of the Information or the use of Moneytech’s foreign exchange referral partners, however so arising, and including any loss, damage or expense arising from, but not limited to, any defect, error, imperfection, fault, mistake or inaccuracy in the Information, or associated services, or due to the unavailability of any other information or associated services. The information is subject to change without notice, and Moneytech are not under any duty or obligation to update or correct it.
Moneytech recommend that you contact any of its preferred foreign exchange referral partners directly relating to the provision of financial services and strongly advise that you consider their Product Disclosure Statements and other related disclosure products, and obtain independent Professional Advice, prior to making any decision to use their products and services, including whether to acquire or continue to hold or receive them.